UAE, KSA, and Egypt Syndicated Study the Changing Normal.
Feedback Market Research currently came out with a syndicated study report that focused on the impact of COVID 19 on people across UAE, KSA & Egypt with a baseline of 1000 sample size from each country through online interviews.
The Syndicated study covers the aspects that have been impacted more in life and the kind of purchase decisions that have been impacted besides use of social media, online streaming services and online shopping, and food delivery services.
For many brands, Business & Marketing decisions in these times depend on key aspects like:
- How consumers are coping with the current situation and what their expectations are at an overall level
- How has “Social Distancing” changed their approach to shopping, product considerations and activities they engage in at an overall level.
What is a Syndicated Study? (Syndicated Market Research Report)
Research that is independently conducted, published and sold by a market research firm. The market research company out together its experience and industry expertise determine the subject and scope of the study, including the questions asked and the populations targeted, and offers its results and analysis to multiple clients.
The difference between Syndicated Study and Custom Study:
Market Research companies offer their services in 2 forms custom along syndicated.
The custom study is solely done for a company that funds the study along with owning the data which the results are shared only with the client. A Syndicated study is done by a decision made by the market research firm that owns the data and shares the study along with the findings with several companies.
How does a syndicated study help the company more than a custom study well first of all it cost efficient as firms can benefit from the data shared and have valuable market insights with less cost than a custom study?
The Best Syndicated Study a Market Research firm can offer:
Is providing their clients with actionable insights with information and analysis about the current market, whether it is customer behavior and preference, emerging trends, product usage.
By continuously doing market research and investing in syndicated studies an organization can strengthen its position in the market by taking actionable insights and knowledge which will lead to the growth of the organization along with increased ROI by gaining more knowledge about the current trends and consumer behavior. (as lives change day by day so does the market.)
Benefits of a Syndicated Study:
- Identifying market trends: it helps in gaining insightful knowledge about the market and problems so companies can gain a jump start to avoid this kind of problem.
- Offering competitive intelligence: in helping clients to know where to position their companies in a competitive market.
- Providing an overview of the market: while custom research focuses on a specific requirement of a client, a Syndicated study offers a wide view of who is in the market.
- Brand strength and awareness: to know how your brands are being viewed by your customers compared to your competitors.
Business Decisions As a consumer-centric research agency, we at Feedback understand that COVID has changed our lives and ways of living.
We have noticed changes around us that have surprised us and am sure so have you. We are yet to reach what can be called a ‘new normal’ – it is a continuously “changing normal” and understanding this dynamic environment is extremely critical.
These findings we believe will serve as key inputs to your client’s decisions on business & marketing plans.
Contact us to get the full report and how your consumers are adapting to this new change.